




Coronavirus Updates

Coronavirus Updates

Covid-19 Updated Guidelines - 12/31/2021

In light of the rising surge of Covid variant cases and flu cases, coupled with the varied holiday events and increased tourist crowd in our neighborhood over the past week, the leadership of Mariners Bethel UMC is taking the following immediate steps to promote no harm in the most loving way possible within the current health situation in our community and state.

Effective 12/31/2021:
1. There will be no in-house worship on Sunday, Jan. 2, 2022 or on Sunday, Jan. 9,
2022. Services will be offered online only for these two Sundays. This decision is due to a large number of congregants (>100) usually present and the number of support volunteers and staff needed to make the service safe.

2. Church offices will remain closed next week and will re-open Monday, Jan.
10, 2022. Staff will be given the option to work from home for safety reasons; phones and email will be monitored.

3. Mask guidelines at the church remain the same: masks are strongly suggested but not required.

4. All small groups, adult studies and classes, and ministries are encouraged to be in contact with their people to determine if a delay in restarting in the new year or additional cautions should take place within their area. This decision to meet is left up to the individual groups. Leaders of these groups are asked to contact the office if their plans to meet are altered or changed so we can help inform those who ask.

Please feel free to share this information with others who may be affected.

Phil. 2:4 reminds us to “look not only to our own interests but to the interests of others” for that is how we love each other.

Be blessed and be safe as we navigate these changing and challenging times together with Christ at the helm.

Covid-19 Updated Guidelines - 7/20/2021

Mariner Bethel’s Shepherding Council met on July 20, 2021, and unanimously approved the following Recommendations for Re-opening Mariner’s Ministries

Safe Distancing.  While 6-foot distancing is no longer required, people are encouraged not to crowd, but leave safe distancing between themselves. The idea of elbows out – giving “elbow room” – used on stage during VBS is a good example of this. If seated at tables, try to plan for no more than 6 people at an 8X4 table. Prayer team members are encouraged to use the “elbow room” approach when praying for people at the altar rail and in the prayer room.

Sunday Hospitality. Beverages can be offered in the Social Hall following worship. No food or snacks should be put out on tables at this time. 

In-house meals. Two options are currently suggested, in accordance with guidelines currently being followed by those eating at restaurant settings.

1.      Meals in Social Hall have limited seating to allow for safe spacing between tables.  All meals should be prepared safely with necessary precautions in the kitchen. Food must be plated by those in kitchen, and the plate handed to the person who will take it to the table to eat. No buffet style meals will be offered at the current time.

2.      Attendees to a mealtime event can bring their own picnic/brown bag meal so food prep and service are not an issue. Safe spacing should be observed in the dining space. In the occasion that a party situation includes cake and beverage only, the cake should be cut in the kitchen and individually put onto plates – then served to attendees. No blowing out candles and no leaving the cake out in the dining area. 

Group meetings. All groups should check with the office on space to accommodate anticipated number of people – allowing for “elbow” room. 

            As always, any one not feeling comfortable, or feeling ill, or who has been in contact recently with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, are encouraged to stay home. Anyone who feels more comfortable wearing a mask as a preventative measure is welcome to do so. Also, please remember this plan is fluid as the situation around us can change suddenly.