Prayer Ministries
Mariners is a praying church. We offer several prayer opportunities on Sunday and throughout the week.
Need prayer or want to become a prayer minister? See the many opportunities below.
Care Prayer Ministry
This dedicated team provides intercessory prayer. We are available every Sunday morning for prayer and also pray during the week over your prayer requests. Prayer requests can be e-mailed to or you can fill out one of the prayer cards located in the pews and in the Prayer Room. Prayer cards can be placed in the offering basket or left in the Prayer Room. Every request is prayed over by team members every day that week.
Prayer Room
The Prayer Room is located in the sanctuary and is a safe place of comfort and healing. Prayer ministers are available on Sunday mornings; during the monthly Night of Praise and Worship; during the Second Sunday Healing Prayer Services at 6:30pm; and by request. The Prayer Room contains resources that include prayer shawls, prayer squares, bibles, devotionals, and prayer booklets.
- Contact: Jeanne Pekar (
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Love of knitting and crocheting have been combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to persons needing comfort and care. Members pray over every stitch of knitting. Shawls are created and given to persons as a blessing, undergoing medical procedures, as a comfort after a loss, during illness or recovery, and for newborns. Prayer squares are knitted for those needing comfort, spiritual focus, or a reminder of God’s love. Join us if you would like to create or learn to create these shawls, instructions are easy!
- Contact: Marty Quillen (