Community Ministries
Assisting Bike Commuters (ABC)
Assisting Bicycle Commuters (ABC) Is a Ministry that provides bicycle transportation to individuals requiring transportation to/from work. Most of the bicycles are loaned to Work/Study international students working in the area during the summer.
ABC’s fleet consists of an inventory of 150 bicycles. All bicycles are donated by area citizens. Bicycles that exceed the standards of the lending inventory are earmarked and sold to raise money for the ministry. Bicycles that are below the inventory standards are made serviceable and donated to the homeless support organization, The Shepherd’s Office, in Georgetown. Donated bicycles which cannot be serviced are sold to a salvage yard with the proceeds benefiting the youth group (CRASH) at Mariners. Inventory bicycles are equipped with front and rear lights and locks. Safety training is required for anyone borrowing a bicycle and helmets are available upon request.
To access a bicycle, contact the Church Administrator’s Office at 302-539-9510 or access the necessary signup information via a QR code at the Church, or at area bicycle shops. Alternatively, individuals needing a bicycle may contact the Ministry Lead, Mike Shriver at
Bicycles may be donated by contacting the Church Administrator’s Office or bikes may be dropped off at ABC’s Shop that is located at the back of Mariner’s Property (green roofed pole building next to the parked school bus) at 81 Central Ave, Ocean View, DE 19970
The Ministry occasionally needs volunteers, if you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Church Office.
- Contact: The Church Office at 302-539-9510
Feed My Sheep
Feed My Sheep is a year-round food ministry that serves our community in lower southeast Sussex County with fresh and healthy meals weekly.
Home Delivery: On Thursdays, meals are delivered to individuals who are ill, physically or financially unable, and the elderly in the community. Meal delivery includes soup, casserole, bread, and a dessert. Drivers are encouraged to talk to the recipients and are willing, if asked by the recipient, to pray with them. Communion is available upon request as well.
Community Café: Lunch is served in a social environment and is open to the public at the Hope Center on Tuesday is from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. The meal includes soup, casserole, and a dessert. For those who are in need of prayer, the prayer room is open during this time
Food Pantry: On Thursdays from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM a free pantry is available to any Delaware resident who comes to the church during this time. It includes a box containing canned goods, meat, bread, and desserts and fresh vegetables or fruit when available.
Senior Nutrition Program: Feed My Sheep is a designated site for the Delaware Food Bank Senior Nutrition Program. Delaware residents over sixty who are financially eligible can receive about 50 lbs. of food (including dairy, meat, and vegetables) monthly.
This Ministry is possible because of the faithful volunteers and generous support of individuals, local companies, and organizations. Food and financial donations are always welcome. Donations can be dropped off at the church at 81 Central Ave, Ocean View, DE 19970 (financial donations can be mailed to the address as well). When donating, please indicate Feed My Sheep (FMS) on the check, envelope or goods delivered.
Volunteers are always needed to cook, prep, pack, wash dishes, pack boxes, etc. If you are interested in volunteering for this Ministry, in need of food delivery or applying for the Senior Nutrition program please contact the church at 302-539-9510, or Jeanne Pekar @ or Karl Gude @
Helping Hands (formerly Third Saturday)
- Contact: contact the Church Office at 302-539-9510 or Fran Milio@
As a community outreach of the No Unmet Human Needs Association, Helping Hands receives operational support from Mariners Bethel GMC. All are welcome to give or receive help! This team organizes work projects from renovating homes to cleaning yards to meeting various needs of residents in our community. Helpful hands are needed in every imaginable capacity, but especially those with skills and experience in any of the building trades or landscaping!
- Contact: Charlie Trois or the Church Office.