Anchored - Mariners Young Adult and Family Ministries

- Are you looking to walk closer with Jesus Christ?
Do you have a desire to grow a family whose roots are planted firmly in their faith? - Do you want to find ways of giving back to the community around you?
- Is there something missing in your life and you can’t quite figure out what?
- Do you have questions about how to strengthen your family or your faith?
Our goal is to Grow a community of faith-minded individuals who are ready to have a deeper relationship with Christ. We believe that families are the cornerstone of this mission!
Understanding the challenges that families face in this day and time, Mariners wants to provide a strong support for all families to depend on. We are doing this by:
- Hosting Young Adult/Family Small Groups*
- Family Fun Events and Socials*
- Family Movie Nights
- All in the Family—Parent-Child Bible Lessons
- Community Outreach Events
- Opportunities for Christian Singles to meet*
- Mom Time Groups
- Offering 2 services on Sundays: 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Nursery Available
- CRASH Youth Group: 6th-12th grade
- ARMOR Kids Church: 4 years old to 5th Grade
- Empowering Leaders to Host Small Groups
* Please see calendar & flyers for specific dates & times